Status - September 2024
Command / Option |
Description |
Category |
Screen-Shot |
set replserver <name> |
To set the name of a target replication server. You can also use
this command to change or remove a target replication server. to be issued at SRS. |
Server CMD |
set replretention <days> |
Specify the retention period for client-node replication records in the source replication-server database. You can use
client node replication records to monitor running and completed processes. Check with QUERY STATUS. Default: 30 days. |
Server CMD |
set failoverhladdress <e.g. server1> |
Use this command to specify the IP address that a client uses to connect to the secondary replication server during failover,
if the address is different from the IP address that is specified for the replication process. You must specify the address
of the server that is used if the high-level address (HLA) is different. This command is required only if
you use separate dedicated networks for server-to-server communication and client access. |
Server CMD |
set spreplruledefault <ALL_DATA
(NEW in TSM 6.3.1). The server replication rule for space-managed data. Default: ALL_DATA. |
Server CMD |
set arreplruledefault <ALL_DATA
(NEW in TSM 6.3.1). The server replication rule for archive data. Default: ALL_DATA. |
Server CMD |
set bkreplruledefault <ALL_DATA
(NEW in TSM 6.3.1). The server replication rule for backup data. Default: ALL_DATA. |
Server CMD |
update filespace < check TSM ref. guide for other options >
Use this command to update file-space replication rules. You can also enable or disable replication of
data to which a file space rule applies. Issue this command on the server that acts as a source
for replicated data.
All file spaces that are disabled will be skipped when REPLICATE NODE is issued
Server CMD |
enable replication |
To allow a source replication server normal replication processing (outbound replication on a server).
If a TSM server is started, outbound replication
is enabled by default. But if you restore a TSM database, it is disabled. Before enabling replication after a database restore,
determine whether copies of data that are on the target server are needed. It may happen, that you have objects
on the target server which are not reflected any more after a DB restore on a source server. If this happens, you MUST synchronize client
node data by replicating the data from the target replication server to the source replication server.
The replication process replaces the data on the source server that was lost because of the database restore. |
Server CMD |
disable replication |
To prevent a source replication server from starting new replication processes (outbound replication).The use of this command does not
stop running replication processes. Running replication processes continue until they complete or until they end without
completing. See also "enable replication". |
Server CMD |
query replserver |
(NEW in TSM 7.1). View information about all replication servers that are known server. The output from this command includes server
information for the server from which the command was issued. The command indicates whether a
replication server definition is deleted as a result of a REMOVE REPLSERVER
command. |
Server CMD |
remove replserver <GUID> |
(NEW in TSM 7.1). To remove or to switch to a replication server from the list of
replication servers. This command deletes all information about replication state for all nodes that were
replicated to that server. You can issue the command on a source or on a target replication server.
Client node data is NOT deleted |
Server CMD |
query replrule < * > < ALL_DATA
Display information about replication rules. Default: * . |
Server CMD |
update replrule < * > < rule_name STate = ENabled
DISabled> |
enable or disable a replication rule: * . |
Server CMD |
validate replication < nodename > <
Verifyconncetion=NO (default) / YES > |
To identify the replication rules that apply to file spaces in client nodes that are configured for replication. You can also use this
command to verify that the source replication server can communicate with the target replication server. Before you begin
replication processing, use the VALIDATE REPLICATION command to determine whether your replication configuration is correct.
Command is to be issued on the SRS. |
Server CMD |
update/register node xx < replstate =enabled / =disabled > |
Specifies whether data that belongs to the client node is ready to be replicated.
Once a node is enabled for replication, it can not be renamed any more (SRS and TRS).
Server CMD |
update/register node xx <RECOVERDAMAGED = YES / NO > |
(NEW in TSM 7.1.1). Specifies whether damaged files can be recovered for this node
from a TRS. The parameter is optional. The default value is YES. You can specify one of the following values
Please see also entry for "SET RECOVERDAMAGED ON" for overview information
Server CMD |
query replnode < nodename, nodename,nodename,
(wildcard allowed) > < TRS-name > |
To display the number of files that are stored for each replicated file space. Information is displayed about file spaces for
every client node that is configured for replication. A client node is configured for replication if it is enabled |
Server CMD |
query replfailures < nodename, nodename,node_group,...,
(wildcard allowed with node_name) > |
( NEW in TSM –ISP 8.1.6 ):
to display a list of client nodes that failed to replicate. Issue this
command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data. For Error RC see also new FFDC category for REPLICATION: swg21639703 |
Server CMD |
replicate node < node-group-name, nodename,(wildcard allowed only with nodename)
> < check TSM ref. guide for other options >
To replicate data in file spaces that belong to one or more client nodes or defined groups of client nodes. One process with default
10 ( max: 99 ) sessions.
Remarks Malitz: Attention: The option "PREVIEW=YES" is initiating a "register
node < nodename >"
on the target server!!! Although no data will be replicated, " Q REPLICATION <nodename> f=d "
will show you replication information
Server CMD |
replicate node – ADDITIONAL Information
(8.1.5) >
(8.1.10) >
(NEW in TSM 7.1.1).
RECOVERDAMAGED – Specifies whether a recovery process is started on a TRS
after the node replication process is completed. This parameter is OPTIONAL, and it overrides any value that
you specified for the RECOVERDamaged parameter when you register or update a node. You can specify one of the
following values: YES NO ONLY ( Specifies that a replication process is started for the sole
purpose of recovering damaged files, but ONLY if the setting for the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is ON
Please see also entry for "SET RECOVERDAMAGED ON" for overview information
of recovery of damaged files
FORCERECONCILE – Specifies whether to compare all files on the SRS with files on the
TRS and to synchronize
the differences between them ( NO is default ). Prior to TSM 7.1.1, this behavior was the default
for replication processing. When
TSM 7.1.1 or later, is installed on the SRS and TRS, a reconcile is automatically
completed ONLY during initial replication.
( NEW in TSM –ISP 8.1.5 parameter "FULL")
PURGEDATA – Specifies the process for deleting data extents from the target replication server
( NO is default ). If "PURGEDTA=DELETED" is used, data extents that were deleted from the SRS are
also deleted from the TRS WITHOUT running replication processing.
( NEW in TSM –ISP 8.1.10 )
Server CMD |
Recovery of DAMAGED files
set replrecoverdamaged < ON/OFF > |
(NEW in TSM 7.1.1). Use this command to enable the system-wide recovery of damaged
files from a TRS. If this setting is turned on, the node replication process can be configured to detect
damaged files on the SRS and replace them with undamaged files from the TRS. Issiie this command on the SRS. The
default is ON.
File recovery is possible only if TSM 7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source and target replication servers,
and if the node data was replicated before the file damage occurred.
Server CMD |
query replication < nodename,(wildcard allowed)
> < check TSM ref. guide for other options > |
To display information about running and ended node-replication processes. Issue this command on the server that acts as a source
(SRS) for replicated data. Default one day of data will be displayed (option: display=1 ). |
Server CMD |
cancel replication |
To cancel ALL node replication processes. Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.
(SRS).Remark: The "cancel process" command only cancels a particular replication process and from the cancel point
of view is THE SAME as cancel replication |
Server CMD |
remove replnode < node-group-name, nodename, nodename,
(wildcard allowed only with nodename) > |
To remove a node from replication if you no longer want to replicate the data that belongs to the node.
Client node data / replicated data is not deleted. The command is issued on a source or on a target
replication server (not in DSMSERV foreground process).
The client node replication state (replstate) is set to "NONE" as well as the replication mode
(replmode) which was either send (SRS) or receive (TRS). After you remove
a client node from replication, the target replication server can accept backup, archive, and space-managed data
directly from the node. If the client node is enabled for replication later, the replication process
replicates ALL the data (according
to the replication rules ( again.
Remarks Malitz: This is what I call "FULL-Failover" because the client
belongs now completely to the target sever and can do ALL BA client actions like backup, archive, restore and retrieve.
The Failback operation back to the source server is – so far –
still done MANUALLY.
Server CMD |
set dissimilarpolicies < TRS ON/OFF > |
(NEW in TSM 7.1.1). To enable the policies
that are defined on the TRS to manage replicated client–node data. If you do not
use the policies on the TRS, replicated client data is managed by policies on the SRS. OFF is default.
Ensure that TSM 7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source and TRS before you issue this command. Issue this command on the SRS. Before you use the policies that are defined
on a TRS, you must issue the VALIDATE REPLPOLICY command for that TRS. This command displays
the differences between the policies for the client nodes on the SRS and TRS. The status can be seen with " q replserver ".
Server CMD |
validate replpolicy < TRS > |
(NEW in TSM 7.1.1). To compare the policies for client nodes on the
SRS with the same policies on the TRS where the client node data is being replicated. The command displays
the differences between these policies so that you can verify that any differences between the policies on the
source and target replication servers are intended or you can modify the policies on the TRS. If < TRS
> is not specifyied, then the already defined TRS will be used.
Ensure that TSM 7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source and TRS before you issue this command.
Server CMD |
replbatchsize < 4096 (default) > |
(NEW in TSM 6.3.1). Specifies the number of client files that are to be replicated in a batch, within the same server transaction.
This option affects only the node replication processes and works with the REPLSIZETHRESH option to improve node replication processing.
The REPLBATCHSIZE option limits the number of files in a transaction and the REPLSIZETHRESH option limits the number of bytes
in a transaction. The transaction ends when either the REPLBATCHSIZE threshold or the REPLSIZETHRESH threshold is reached.
Value from 1 – 32768 |
Server option |
replsizethresh < 4096 (default) > |
(NEW in TSM 6.3.1). Specifies, in MB, a threshold for the amount of data replicated, within the same server transaction.
The amount of data is based on the non-deduplicated size of the file, which is the original size of the file. The amount of data that
is replicated is controlled by the threshold. When the amount of data exceeds the threshold, the server ends the transaction and
no more files are added to the current batch. A new transaction is started after the current batch is replicated. This option is
used with the REPLBATCHSIZE option. Value from 1 – 32768 |
Server option |
forcefailover < no (default) / yes
> |
(NEW in TSM 7.1). The forcefailover option enables the client to immediately fail over to the secondary server. You can use the forcefailover option
to immediately connect to the secondary server, even if the primary server is still online. For example, you can use this
option to verify that the backup-archive client is failing over to the expected secondary server.
Also possible with command line option –FORCEFAILOVER=yes.
Remarks Malitz: This is what I call "HALF-Failover" because the client
can now do "only" restore and retrieve operations. But the Failback operation back to the
source server is done AUTOMATICALLY and works fine. By the way, the same failover effect
can be achieved by logging on with the client directly to the TRS |
Client option |
nrtablepath < path (default: BA client directory) > |
(NEW in TSM 7.1). The nrtablepath option specifies the location of the node replication table on the
client. The backup-archive client uses this table to store information about each backup or archive operation to the Tivoli
Storage Manager server. When a failover occurs, the information that is on the secondary server might not be the most recent
version if replication did not happen before the failover. The client can compare the information in the node replication table
against the information that is on the secondary server to determine whether the backup on the server is the most recent
backup version. If there is a discrepancy you will get a warning during restore in failover mode. |
Client option |
usereplicationfailover < yes (default) / no
> |
(NEW in TSM 7.1). The usereplicationfailover option specifies whether automated client failover
occurs on a client node. Use this option to enable a client node for failover or to prevent it from failing over to the
secondary server. This option overrides the configuration that is provided by the Tivoli Storage Manager server administrator
settings on the primary server. The client uses the configuration that is provided by the primary server to connect to the
secondary server (this information is stored in the dsm.opt / dms.sys of the BA client).
see also my remarks with "forcefailover" option. |
Client option |
*** These options should not be changed manually
*** end of automatically updated options
(NEW in TSM 7.1). These options are AUTOMATICALLY written from the source
replication server ( Primary Server / SRS )
into the dsm.opt or dsm.sys of the BA client enabled for a potential failover to the target replication server ( TRS /
Secondary Server ) Do not change them manually.
Please have a look to the schematic failover overview on the right: ––> |
Client option |
automated client failover
show replication |
Shows all known replication servers and their globally unique identifier (GUID) and all running replication
processes. The processes might include the individual statistics of each file space and the status of each replication session.
Issue this command if replication does not appear to be progressing or if replication is not working correctly.
Source: IBM TSM 7.1 Problem Determination Guide; |
Show Command (Server) |