Operation Center 8.1.24 – All Commands & Options at a glance

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TSM 8.1.24 Node Replication at a glance


   IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.24 Advanced INTENSIV-Workshop – 3 Tage – sowie weitere Kurse / Workshops   


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Operation Center
(8.1.24) Dashboard

September 2024 –
Command / Option Description C/S Category Screen-Shot
query monitorsettings Use this command to display information about alert monitoring and server status settings.

New command in TSM / ISP version 8.1.19

Most of the 30 output fields are described hereafter:
S monitorsettings

new COMMANDS with TSM / ISP version 8.1.3, 8.1.7, 8.1.10 AND 8.1.19

set statusmonitor <on / off > OUTPUT– line 1 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to enable and disable status monitoring. S monitorsettings
set statusrefeshinterval < 1 – 2440 > OUTPUT– line 2 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to specify the number of minutes between status monitoring server queries. S monitorsettings
set statusretention < 24 – 336 > OUTPUT– line 3 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to specify the number of minutes between status monitoring server queries. this command is NOT documented S monitorsettings
set alertmonitor <on / off > OUTPUT– line 4 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to turn the alert monitor on or off. S monitorsettings
set alertupdateinterval < 1 – 9999 > OUTPUT– line 5 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to specify how often the alert monitor updates and prunes alerts that are stored in the TSM database. S monitorsettings
set alertemail <on / off > OUTPUT– line 6 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to enable alerts to be sent to specified administrators by email.

How to enable email? – Please see screen shots on the right.
S monitorsettings

ALL email

configuration steps

set alertsummarytoadmins < admin, admin, admin > OUTPUT– line 7 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Specify the administrators that want to receive alert SUMMARIES by email, every hour. S monitorsettings

set alertemailfromaddr < email_address > OUTPUT– line 8 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to specify the email address of the alert sender. S monitorsettings

set alertemailsmtphost < host_name > OUTPUT– line 9 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to specify the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail server host name that is used to send the alert email. S monitorsettings

set alertemailsmtpport < 1 – 32767 > OUTPUT– line 10 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to specify the port number for the SMTP mail server. This mail server is used to send the alerts by email. S monitorsettings

set alertactiveduration < 1 – 20160 > OUTPUT– line 11 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to specify how long an alert REMAINS ACTIVE before it is becomes INACTIVE. If an active alert is triggered again, the duration is restarted. S monitorsettings

set alertinactiveduration < 1 – 20160 > OUTPUT– line 12 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Specifies the number of minutes that an alert REMAINS INACTIVE before it is CLOSED. S monitorsettings

set alertclosedduration < 0 – 99999 > OUTPUT– line 13 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Specifies the number of minutes that an alert remains closed before it is deleted. Setting the value to 0 causes alerts to be deleted immediately after they are closed. S monitorsettings

set monitoringadmin < admin_name > OUTPUT– line 14 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to set the name of the monitoring administrator that is used to connect to the TSM servers in the monitored TSM server group. S monitorsettings

set monitoredservergroup < group_name > OUTPUT– line 15 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to set the TSM group of TSM servers that are being monitored for alerts and status. You can also use this command to change or remove the TSM group of TSM monitored servers. S monitorsettings

set statusatriskinterval < type=all, app, vm, sys Intervall=6-8808 > OUTPUT– line 17, 19 , 21 and 23 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to adjust the backup activity interval that is used when the status monitor assesses whether clients are at risk. first execution measn also to enable client at-risk activity for a specific BA client type.

(NEW in TSM / ISP 8.1.7): Type=Objectclient for potential ISP connection to Spectrum Protect PLUS > 10.1.3.
S monitorsettings

set statusatriskfailure < yes / no type=all, app, vm, sys > OUTPUT– line 18, 20 and 22 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to enable the status monitor to consider clients as at risk when evaluating the status for each client. Whether to enable the check for SKIPPED FILES during the last backup. S monitorsettings

SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY < path_name > OUTPUT– line 24 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to specify the location where the automated deployment process downloads the latest client deployment packages. The deployment packages are used to install updates on client systems (NEW in TSM / ISP 8.1.3). . S monitorsettings

SET DEPLOYMAXPKGS < def and max is 4 > OUTPUT– line 25 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to specify the maximum number of client installable deployment packages that are downloaded and stored on the server (NEW in TSM / ISP 8.1.3). . S monitorsettings

SET DEPLOYPKGMGR < ON / OFF > OUTPUT– line 26 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to enable or disable the deployment package manager. This component downloads client deployment packages from the FTP site for automatic installation by using the Operations Center (NEW in TSM / ISP 8.1.3). . S monitorsettings

SET SECURITYNOTIF < ON / OFF > OUTPUT– line 27 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to turn security notifications about potential malware incidents on or off. (NEW in TSM / ISP 8.1.10 ). . S monitorsettings

SET DEPLOYPKGUpdates < ON / OFF > OUTPUT– line 30 of QUERY MONITORSETTINGS: Use this command to enable or disable a server for client deployment. (NEW in TSM / ISP 8.1.19 ). . S monitorsettings

query monitorstatus < ..parameters .. > "Connected to" statusthreshold: Use this command to display monitoring messages that are within the defined status retention period. Some of the activities mentioned in this command can als be found / used with the q statushreshold command. S monitorstatus / statusthreshold

Example: error simulation with ACTIVE Log usage

combination of q monitorstatus AND update statusthreshold

query statusthreshold < ..parameters .. > PART of statusthreshold: Use this command to display information about status monitoring thresholds. Status monitoring thresholds compare the defined conditions to the status monitoring server queries and inserts the results in the status monitoring table. Multiple thresholds can be defined for an activity. S statusthreshold

define statusthreshold < ..parameters .. > PART of statusthreshold: Use this command to define a new status monitoring threshold. S statusthreshold

update statusthreshold < ..parameters .. > PART of statusthreshold: Use this command to update an existing status monitoring threshold. S statusthreshold

Example: Update DEVclass FILE error status


delete statusthreshold < threshold_name > PART of statusthreshold: Use this command to delete a new status monitoring threshold. S statusthreshold

query alerttrigger < message_number / * > PART of alerttigger: Use this command to display which server messages are defined as alerts. S alerttrigger

define alerttrigger < ..parameters .. > PART of alerttrigger: Use this command to trigger an alert whenever a server issues a specific error message. You can define a MESSAGE NUMBER to be an alert trigger, assign it to a CATEGORY, or specify ADMINISTRATORS who can be notified of the alert by email.

(NEW in TSM / ISP 8.1.7): Category "Objectclient" for potential ISP connection to Spectrum Protect PLUS > 10.1.3.
S alterttrigger

update alerttrigger < ..parameters .. > PART of alerttrigger: Use this command to update the attributes of one or more alert triggers.

(NEW in TSM / ISP 8.1.7): Category "Objectclient" for potential ISP connection to Spectrum Protect PLUS > 10.1.3.
S alterttrigger

delete alerttrigger < message_number, > PART of alerttrigger: Use this command to remove a message from the list of alert triggers. S alterttrigger

load defalerttriggers < ..parameters .. > (NEW in TSM 7.1.3). PART of VM risk evaluation: Use this command to load the default set of alert triggers to the IBM Spectrum Protect Server (TSM). S alerttrigger

query alertstatus < ..parameters.. > PART of alertstatus: Use this command to display information about alerts that are reported on the TSM server.

(NEW in TSM / ISP 8.1.7): Category "Objectclient" for potential ISP connection to Spectrum Protect PLUS > 10.1.3.
S alertstatus

update alertstatus < ..parameters .. > PART of alertstatus: Use this command to update the status of a reported alert. S alertstatus

set nodeatriskinterval < ..parameters .. > PART of NODE risk evaluation: Use this command to adjust the at-risk evaluation mode for an INDIVIDUAL node. See also output of   " q node node_name f=d ". S individual node risk evaluation

set vmatriskinterval < ..parameters .. > PART of VM risk evaluation: Use this command to adjust the at-risk evaluation mode for an INDIVIDUAL VM filespace. See also output of   " q filespace node * ". S individual VM filespace risk evaluation

pushstatus < yes / no > The PUSHSTATUS option is used on SPOKE servers to ensure that status information is sent to the HUB server. ON HUB server ist should be NO and on SPOKE server YES. S options

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